Energy efficient windows are sealed tight and prevent air from leaking in or out of your home. Maybe more people are aware than I, but I never thought about a magnet being used as a sealant. I guess I should have put two and two together. Every time I go into the fridge for a snack, and I shut the door, that refrigerator door is sealed intantly tight! So tight, I usually must battle it for my pickles which I forgot to add to my sandwich.So, if my food is nice and temperature controlled with a magnetic sealed door – surely the rest of my house is, right?Along with the superior cardinal glass we use, there is also a strong magnetic seal called a magna seal. We place this inside of each of our Heritage windows. So, every time you close your window you can be reassured that you have a tight seal, just like that refrigerator door.Our patented Magna Seal is an amazing, most effective, and efficient way to stop or prevent leaks. So you never have to worry about throwing your money away when you turn on that AC or heat. As you can imagine that tight seal improves the energy efficiency of our windows. Which in turn, makes your home feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.